Copyright 2007
Check out the Links below. I am serving the Lord in several ways as He leads. I thought I would share them with you!
As you get to each site there are samples of music of various styles that I am involved with. You can hear samples or purchase anything you like. Some popular worship songs and some original songs that I have written as a member of the band Emmaus Road! I play Acoustic & Electric guitars, Keyboards and Lead Vocal.
Blessed Hope Chapel - My home church in Simi Valley, CA where I lead worship each Thursday and Sunday! Listen as I lead worship on guitar with the praise band with many of the songs I teach in this program!
Emmaus Road - My original band ministry. Features Dean Palacio, Tony Palacio (my brother), Robbie Destocki and guest Charlotte Laystrom!
Online Live Worship - I lead worship at an Adventist church in Newbury Park, CA (Podcast) Look for Dean Palacio in the right column for the week I led worship!
iTunes Store - Download music from Blessed Hope Chapel Praise Team (Must have iTunes on your computer) Don't have iTunes?
Click to download free now >
iTunes Store - Download music from Seven Mile Journey CD from Emmaus Road.
Amazon BHC Worship - Purchase Blessed Hope Chapel Praise Team Live Worship CD's! "Enter In" and "In Your Presence."
Sites That We Love!
Worship Music Tutoring - Learn to play and improve your skills in playing electric, acoustic, bass guitar, piano, percussion with instructional DVDs available at Music Academy
learning resources to propel your guitar learning and playing skills.
Free Movies Online - Watch movies online and download movies from thousands of your favorite movie titles online for free online movies at 10starmovies
The Office Online - Watch the latest The Office Online full episodes online. Free, streaming episodes of The Office Online and much more.

Below You Can Hear Music From The Various Ministries I am Involved In!
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