Copyright 2007

I mentioned above I was self taught. Do you know what helped me learn how to play songs and grow as a player? It was by watching other great players and musicians! Back when I learned to play, we didn't have the Internet to watch a videos! I was lucky enought to find a VHS tape and watch that. But I watched and learned from other great players and "mimiced" what I saw until I mastered it!

After committing my life to the Lord in the early 90's, my focus became centered on using my gift for serving God. All the prior years of experience in the world of bands, clubs and Top 40 music came to a hault and I have dedicated the better part of 15 years worshiping the Lord in music. 

I served as worship leader at my home church, Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, CA for 8 years. I have dedicated my life and gift to the calling of 
sharing God's love through music! I am also dedicated to
rising up new worship leaders and guitarists by teaching
kids, youth and adults that they can learn to play guitar 
and use it for the Lord's glory.

This is how was born. Out of a 
passion to teach others how to worship God on the guitar, 
I developed this step-by-step program to teach you how to play guitar. Even if you have never played before or you're a player with some experience wanting to learn new songs, this program can get you playing guitar and learning new songs quickly and easily.

It's amazing what you can do with only 4 chords! My students learn how to play popular worship songs in virtually minutes! I have shown hundreds of songs to hundreds of people just like you and am now dedicated to using the LearnWorshipGuitar program to continue to mentor and teach future worshipers on the guitar via the internet!

My musical experience and versatility combined with a gift of teaching and communicating in an easy to understand and practical way is a major asset to students and is key to the success of the program.

I look forward to teaching and mentoring you on the guitar as you go forward in using your gift to serve the Lord in worship!

Blessings and success to you, 


Dean Palacio
I began playing guitar at the young age of 9. I am self taught and for over 20years I have played guitar professionally. In the early years my experience came from playing in Jr High and High School concert bands, orchestras and special groups as well as playing in local bands to play at local events. In time I went on to play professionally in dance clubs, weddings, corporate events, recording studios and special concerts. I spent a good 15 years playing professionally and recording. 
Here Is My Story...
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